Posts Tagged ‘cards of human’

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月曜日, 1 月 4th, 2016

What is the three most awkward items you can get at a store at the same time,
places that sell cards against humanity

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Cards Against Humanity, please contact a professional in your area.

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cards againts humanity?. Personal attacks or comments that insult or demean a specific user or group of users will be removed and regular or egregious violations will result in bans.9) Comment replies consisting solely of images will be removed.

A bottle of wine, a set of knives and a notepad.

The back story is that I live in England where you need ID to buy knives and the only time I actually carrying valid ID is when I about to buy alcohol so I decided that I would buy my much awaited knives at the same time as I went to do my booze run. The notepad was for university. The woman at the counter stared at me and the items cautiously as she rung them up. I didn even realize until she did that how awful these items together seemed.

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