Posts Tagged ‘4u 카지노’

Clay gordon primarygoldmaster@gmail

金曜日, 8 月 14th, 2020

Clay gordon primarygoldmaster@gmail.우리카지노com

i am not an attorney, so please consult your attorney before filing lawsuits.

all content on this site copyright cl카지노 사이트ay goldmaster 2015-2018. all content on this site Copyright clay goldmaster 2015-2018.

Model sophie applegarth defends posts of blackface costumes from backlash

金曜日, 8 月 14th, 2020

Model sophie applegarth defends posts of blackface costumes from backlas예스카지노h

In 2014, Sophie had to remove an article she posted defending white dressings for blackface on her Tumblr blog.

The article included graphic images of young black men dressed in white make-up and sporting tiaras and clown caps.

“As a white woman who has witnessed the damage these costumes cause, it’s deeply disheartening to see a white woman using these costumes and her own experience in order to make a point,” the post said.

“Even if the photos are wrong, they also are not an accurate portrayal of the lives of the women they portray. For this reason alone, I feel justified in writing an apology — at least for the blog — which has no place in the mainstream media or society at large.”

Sophie said she has received a lot of support for the post and the apology. Some commenters have also expressed concern about what may happen next.

Sophie’우리카지노s apology has been met with backlash online, but she has not been accused of racism.

This story will be updated as more 바카라사이트information becomes available.