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No classes as cleaners strike outside school, students to attend meeting

金曜日, 6 月 19th, 2020

No classes as cleaners strike outside school, students to attend meeting

A series of incidents of students fighting with teachers in the English class has turned into a week-long strike that left some students returning ho더킹카지노me sick and angry.

Students have refused to learn maths because they believe it is too difficult - even while others say teachers are unfairly punished for giving them less.

One of those injured said: “It’s been absolutely devastating. I have got a concussion but the next day 우리카지노I thought I was going to die and I didn’t want to stay.”

School teacher Airey Brown said: “We have made quite a stir over this issue. When students were outside in groups it caused a bit of a ruckus but we have taken a tough position - especially with the parents as they were at the school last month.”

One student admitted: “I’ve been ill before and we didn’t expect it was going to be that bad this time.”

It is understood the strike was over work바카라-related issues such as rubbish collection, which caused disruption to students when working holiday.

A total of 6,000 students are on strike across the UK at the moment.