Green falters to hand lynn dutch open and her lips curl up

Green falters to hand lynn dutch open and her lips curl up

She reaches into her pocket and takes out her phone

She puts it to her ear, listening

She has her head under the hood, looking at your black phone


I was a bad guy at the hospital.

I was a murderer.


I was a child molester.

I was a predator.

And that was only beginning!


The end justifies the means

The last bastion is the motherfucker

You know who I am

[Verse 2]

I’m just like that, ain’t I?

They know it all.

I’m an artist and an addict

There’s nothing left

So I’m gonna play the victim

She was my sister

She was my lover

I was just like her

If she was out there she’d do me

And she’d make it a big deal

Don’t blame me if she dies

She was just a nice girl.

[Verse 3]

The end justifies the means

The last bastion is the motherfucker

You know who I am

So you wanna go through me?

You gonna give me a little bit

You gonna make me a little angry

With all th김해출장마사지e talk.

You wanna fuck with me to make me우리카지노 angry?

I don’t need a fucking girlfriend.

That won’t give me any energy

If you know what I’m saying

I’m ready to do what you say.

The end justifies the means

The last bastion is the motherfucker

You know who I am

So you gonna give me a little bit

You gonna make me a little angry

With all the talk.

You wanna fuck with me to make me angry?

I don’t need a fucking girlfriend.

[Verse 4]

The end justifies the means

The last bastion is the motherfucker

You know who I am

So you gonna give me a little bit

You gonna make me a little angry

With all the 바카라talk

You wanna fuck with me to make me angry?

I don’t need a fucking girlfriend

That won’t give me an

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