cards againts humanity? 937

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cards humanity

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Of course it always a quesion about what you find,
cards against hummanity?, but there are some good craftables. As for your question.

Rings: Ring of Royal Grandeur and Stone of Jordan

If you have RoRG go for Aughild shoulders and bracers to get the full set bonus. They are craftable and BiS.

For weapon (other than SMK) go for high damage weps preferably with fast attack speed. WD knife is the fastest “full” damage weapon you can get. Daggers roll lower damage range than other weapons and axes and maces are slow.

For damage you can craft nice WD knives (Hallowed knife or Living umbral oath),
cards for humanity. Good drop choices are Doombrigner (rolls pysical%) and Gift of Silaria (5 primaries),
cards against humanity best.

Great post. I been coming to this post quite often and starting to get most of the gear together. There is a couple of things I like to point out though from my own experinece. I would roll elite damage (max 8%) instead of fetish army for a BiS Zuni offhand.

Buildwise many people seem to be running with zombie dogs. However even with midnight feast they seem to be much more in the way than actually doing anything. Therefore I dumped the dogs for paranoia.

best cards against humanity 952

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